About the project:
This project is a continuation of the VR Interface I helped making.
The idea to make an actual game out of this project came when me and a friend, who also worked on the project, saw that the VR Interface video
got super popular and people were asking for more. So we wanted to take on the challenge to make it into an actual game!
The earlier made VR Interface was inspired by an anime series called "Sword Art Online". And because we really like the style and direction,
we wanted to keep it as close to the anime as possible while still making it fun for people to play.
To this day, it's still a bit unclear where me and my friend want to go with this project. Do we want to make a small experience out of it,
make a little game where you can fight some enemies, or just go all out and make a full RPG game? We want the players to at least be able to
fight and interact but after that all the roads are pretty much open.
If you want to follow this journey of creating a VR game inspired by Sword Art Online, make sure you follow the
My Contributions until now:
2 Game Developers.